The Mentor Card Counting System

The Mentor Counting System was first mentioned in 2003, meaning that this is not one of the oldest systems around. This is a relatively advanced card counting system, and it is a multi-level count system. There are more numbers to keep track of with this system than with some of the other, easier to learn methods.

The system itself is relatively balanced, meaning that when the player starts, the count starts at zero with a newly shuffled deck. The player should ultimately end up at zero after all the cards have been dealt. This is especially helpful during the training stages because it provides immediate feedback about whether the player kept an accurate count all through the deck.

It works well on multiple decks

Especially playing multiple decks or medium sized shoes, the Mentor Counting System also works exceedingly well. Three or four decks would not be an issue, primarily because the Mentor Counting System is made for any number of decks ranging from single or double hand-held games to big shoe games (eight decks).

Complications with the True Count

One complex factor that most beginners are going to find with this system is the fact that a conversion between the Running Count and True Count is a necessity. Players will need to divide their Running Count by the remaining double decks in order to find the True Count.


Card Value Points
2 +1
3, 4, 5, 6 +2
7 +1
8 0
9, A -1
10, J, Q, K -2

Final considerations

If the count is low and negative, it is important to lower the bets to the table minimum. Meanwhile, if the count is high and positive, it is important to bet more money to be able to win big. Even though the Mentor Counting System works just as well as other styles, it does offer a 97 percent betting correlation, extremely high for blackjack. Especially when using it for medium sized shoes, the Mentor Counting System offers a powerful system with excellent playing efficiency.